The differences between a male fox and a female fox
of reading
In some animals it is very easy to differentiate female from male, like deer and cows with their antlers and horns very visible. While these mammals are distinguished by their extreme sexual dimorphism, canids exhibit few obvious external differences, which is why it is difficult to determine the sex of wild foxes from a distance. Whether you just want learn more about foxes and the different fox species or maybe you want to have your own domestic fox, learning how to determine the sex of a fox can come in handy.
According to the Institute of Vertebrate Zoology, height, build, and behavior are useful criteria for determining the sex of foxes and other canids, but the most reliable distinction is to simply look at the animal's genitals.
Visual and genital differences
You should never touch or interact with a wild fox, but you can determine the gender of domestic foxes by gently laying them on their backs and observing their genitals. The Mammalian Research Institute reports that male foxes have a sheath of skin and fur that contains the penis. In addition, males have larger testes that are easier to observe during the winter breeding season, while they are much less visible in summer. the female fox, which is often calledfoxes, obviously does not have a penile sheath; his genitalia is less visible and often hidden by fur. In addition, adult females often have prominent nipples.
Size and build
Scientists have discovered several subtle differences in height and build between the different species of foxes. Research on animal diversity shows that male red (Vulpes vulpes) and gray (Urocyon cinereoargenteus) foxes, as well as fennecs (Vulpes zerda), are slightly larger and have slightly larger skulls than females. However, these differences are quite subtle. For example, a 1995 study, published in the Journal of Mammalogy, found that male arctic foxes often weighed almost 20% more than females, while their body length differed by less than 5%. In some species, for example red foxes, males have larger teeth than females, but this is not a very useful criterion for hobbyist breeders.
Behavior differences
According to the Journal of Mammalogy, males can exhibit several behavioral characteristics including increased aggression as well as marking the territory with urine. Castrated males, however, may not exhibit these tendencies, making behavior an unreliable indicator of sex. Since neutering foxes often has health benefits, such as reducing the rate of testicular cancer in males and the risk of breast cancer in females, fox owners often resort to its medical interventions.

Veterinary assistance
If you are unable to distinguish the sex of your fox, see your veterinarian. Your vet can easily tell your pet's gender by examining their genitals. Your veterinary may even be able to determine the sex of your fox without directly observing it: Researchers have developed a method to decipher fox sex by analyzing DNA taken from their excrement.
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